State Properties

Reporting scheme 2
Fact count 510
Structure count 8
Hypercube count 8
Hypercube (explicit) 8
Hypercube (implied) 0
Block count 71
Disclosure count 71
Pattern count 71
Set 63
Roll Up 5
Roll Forward 3
Roll Forward Info
Text Blocks
Member Aggregation
Validation inconsistencies depending on SBRM 0
XBRL Calculation 0
XBRL Formula 0
Model structure 0
Report Elements
All Local (Added) Percent
Structure 8 8 100.00%
Hypercube 8 0 0.00%
Dimensions 1 0 0.00%
Members 27 0 0.00%
LineItems 8 0 0.00%
Abstracts 72 0 0.00%
Concepts 313 0 0.00%

# Block name Patterns
1 Assets [Roll Up] RollUp
2 Equity and liabilities [Roll Up] RollUp
3 Profit (loss) [Roll Up] RollUp
4 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents [Roll Up] RollUp
5 Cash and cash equivalents [Roll Forward] RollForward
6 Brought forward to new account [Roll Forward] RollForward
7 Increase (decrease) of profit brought forward [Roll Up] RollUp
8 Fiscally recognised capital reserves [Roll Forward] RollForward
9 Notes to financial statements [Abstract] Set
10 Valuation principles applied (unless prescribed by law) 959c para. 1 no. 1 CO Set
11 Cash and cash equivalents and current assets with market price Set
12 Trade receivables Set
13 Inventories Set
14 Work in progress and services not yet invoiced Set
15 Financial assets Set
16 Shareholdings Set
17 Property, plant and equipment Set
18 Intangible assets Set
19 Liabilities Set
20 Disclosures and notes on items in balance sheet and income statement Set
21 Receivables from direct or indirect participants and executive bodies and from companies in which there is a direct or indirect participation (optional) Set
22 Liabilities to direct or indirect shareholders and governing bodies and to companies in which a direct or indirect interest is held 4 CO (optional) Set
23 Breakdown of income statement items (if not already evident from income statement) Set
24 Income statement/cost of sales method: Personnel expenses and depreciation/amortization, impairment of fixed assets Set
25 Further information required by law Set
26 Company name, legal form, registered office, capital and share of voting rights in companies in which there are direct or indirect material shareholdings Set
27 Number of employees (a statement as to whether annual average number of full-time positions does not exceed 10, 50 or 250) Set
28 Net release of hidden reserves Set
29 Treasury shares (number of treasury shares held by company itself or companies it controls) Set
30 Acquisition and disposal of treasury shares and conditions under which they were acquired or disposed of Set
31 Residual amount of liabilities from leasing transactions similar to purchase agreements and other leasing obligations, insofar as these do not expire or cannot be terminated within twelve months of balance sheet date Set
32 Liabilities to pension funds Set
33 Total amount of collateral provided for third-party liabilities Set
34 Total assets pledged for own liabilities and assets under retention of title Set
35 Contingent liabilities (legal or actual obligations for which an outflow of funds either appears unlikely or the amount of which cannot be reliably estimated) Set
36 Number and value of participation rights or options to such rights for all management and administrative bodies and for employees; Set
37 Notes on extraordinary, non-recurring or out-of-period items Set
38 Significant events after balance sheet date Set
39 Reasons for early resignation of auditors Set
40 Capital increases and capital reductions carried out by highest governance body within a capital band Set
41 Bonds: Amounts, interest rates, maturities and other conditions Set
42 Other information required by law Set
43 Valuation of assets at market price (securities and other assets) Set
44 Amount of fluctuation reserve for assets at market price or market price Set
45 For larger companies: Information on non-current interest-bearing liabilities by maturity up to 1-5 and after 5 years Set
46 For larger companies: Auditor's fee separately for auditing services and other services Set
47 Purpose of interim financial statements Set
48 Simplifications and abbreviations, including any deviations from principles used for last annual financial statements Set
49 Other factors that had a significant impact on economic situation of company during reporting period Set
50 Further information Set
51 Deviation from going concern principle (with explanation of impact of economic situation) Set
52 Deviation from consistency of presentation and measurement, deviation from offsetting prohibition Set
53 For accounting in currencies other than CHF: disclosure of exchange rates used Set
54 Information on financial year for first-time application of accounting regulations Set
55 Company information [Abstract] Set
56 Company identification [Set] Set
57 Registered office [Set] Set
58 Contact [Set] Set
59 Company website [Set] Set
60 Document information [Abstract] Set
61 Document [Set] Set
62 Auditor [Set] Set
63 Audit report [Set] Set
64 Reporting period [Set] Set
65 Information on reporting period [Abstract] Set
66 Tax information [Abstract] Set
67 Fiscal company identification [Set] Set
68 Information on tax return [Set] Set
69 Organs [Set] Set
70 Other information [Set] Set
71 Additional tax domicile [Set] Set

# Disclosure name
1 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AcquisitionAndDisposalOfTreasurySharesTermsAndConditions
2 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AdditionalDisclosures
3 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AdditionalFactorsSignificantlyAffectingFinancialPositionDuringReportingPeriod
4 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AdditionalLegallyRequiredDisclosures
5 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AdditionalStatutoryDisclosures
6 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AdditionalTaxDomicileSet
7 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AmountOfFluctuationReserveForAssetsAtMarketPrice
8 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AppliedValuationPrinciples
9 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AssetsRollUp
10 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AuditReportSet
11 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:AuditorSet
12 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:BondObligationsAmountsInterestRatesMaturitiesAndOtherTerms
13 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:BroughtForwardToNewAccountRollForward
14 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:CapitalIncreasesAndDecreasesByTopManagementWithinAuthorizedRange
15 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:CashAndCashEquivalentsRollForward
16 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:CompanyIdentificationSet
17 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:CompanyInformationAbstract
18 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:CompanyLegalFormLocationCapitalAndVotingSharesInSignificantAffiliates
19 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:CompanyWebsiteSet
20 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ContactSet
21 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ContingentLiabilitiesLegalOrActualWithUncertainOutflow
22 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:DeviationFromConsistencyInPresentationAndValuationNonOffsettingRuleException
23 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:DeviationFromGoingConcernPrincipleWithImpactOnFinancialPosition
24 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:DisclosureAndNotesToFinancialStatements
25 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:DisclosureForFiscalYearFirstTimeApplicationOfAccountingStandards
26 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:DocumentInformationAbstract
27 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:DocumentSet
28 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:EquityAndLiabilitiesRollUp
29 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ExplanationsOfExtraordinaryOrNonRecurringItems
30 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:FiscalCompanyIdentificationSet
31 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:FiscallyRecognisedCapitalReservesRollForward
32 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ForLargerCompaniesAuditorFeesForAuditServicesAndOtherServices
33 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ForLargerCompaniesLongTermInterestBearingLiabilitiesMaturity1To5AndOver5Years
34 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ForeignCurrencyAccountingNonCHFExchangeRatesDisclosed
35 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:IncomeStatementItemsBreakdownIfNotAlreadyDisclosed
36 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:IncreaseDecreaseInCashAndCashEquivalentsRollUp
37 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:IncreaseDecreaseOfProfitOrLossCarriedForwardRollUp
38 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:InformationOnTheReportingPeriodAbstract
39 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:InformationOnTheTaxReturnSet
40 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:LiabilitiesToPensionFunds
41 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:LiabilitiesToRelatedPartiesAndAffiliates
42 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:NetDissolutionOfHiddenReserves
43 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:NotesToFinancialStatementsAbstract
44 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:NumberAndValueOfEquityRightsOrOptionsForManagementAndEmployees
45 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:NumberOfEmployees
46 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:OrgansSet
47 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:OtherInformationSet
48 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ProfitOrLossRollUp
49 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:PurposeOfInterimFinancialStatement
50 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ReasonsForEarlyResignationOfAuditor
51 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ReceivablesFromRelatedPartiesAndAffiliatesOption
52 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:RegisteredOfficeSet
53 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:RemainingLiabilitiesFromLeaseContractsNonCancellableWithinOneYear
54 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ReportingPeriodSet
55 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:SalesPerformanceStatementCOGSPersonnelDepreciationAssetImpairment
56 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:SignificantEventsAfterBalanceSheetDate
57 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:SimplificationsAndReductionsIncludingDeviationsFromPrinciplesUsedInLastAnnualStatement
58 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:TaxInformationAbstract
59 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:TotalAssetsPledgedForOwnLiabilitiesAndAssetsUnderRetentionOfTitle
60 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:TotalCollateralForThirdPartyLiabilities
61 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:TreasuryStockHeldByCompanyAndControlledEntities
62 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationOfAssetsWithMarketPriceSecuritiesAndOtherAssets
63 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesFinancialAssets
64 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesIntangibleAssets
65 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesInventories
66 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesInvestmentsInSubsidiaries
67 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesLiabilities
68 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesLiquidAssetsAndShortTermHoldingsWithMarketPrice
69 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesPropertyPlantAndEquipment
70 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesReceivablesFromDeliveriesAndServices
71 Unrecognized Disclosure | ct:ValuationPrinciplesWorkInProgressAndUnbilledServices

Disclosure Explanation Add