State Properties
Reporting scheme | 2 |
Fact count | 225 |
Structure count | 8 |
Hypercube count | 8 |
Hypercube (explicit) | 8 |
Hypercube (implied) | 0 |
Block count | 16 |
Disclosure count | 16 |
Pattern count | 16 |
Set | 11 |
Roll Up | 5 |
Roll Forward | |
Roll Forward Info | |
Adjustments | |
Variances | |
Text Blocks | |
Member Aggregation | |
Arithmetic | |
Validation inconsistencies depending on SBRM | 0 |
XBRL Calculation | 0 |
XBRL Formula | 0 |
Model structure | 0 |
Report Elements | |||
All | Local (Added) | Percent | |
Structure | 8 | 8 | 100.00% |
Hypercube | 8 | 0 | 0.00% |
Dimensions | 0 | 0 | 0.00% |
Members | 0 | 0 | 0.00% |
LineItems | 1 | 0 | 0.00% |
Abstracts | 16 | 0 | 0.00% |
Concepts | 54 | 0 | 0.00% |
# | Block name | Patterns |
1 | Heading [Set] | Set |
2 | Selected Operating Data [Set] | Set |
3 | Growth Rates, Selected Operating Data [Set] | Set |
4 | Selected Balance Sheet and Other Data [Set] | Set |
5 | Growth Rates [Set] | Set |
6 | Free Cash Flow Buildup [Set] | RollUp |
7 | Unlevered Free Cash Flows [Roll Up] | RollUp |
8 | Present Value of Free Cash Flows [Set] | Set |
9 | Terminal Value [Set] | Set |
10 | Weighted Average Cost of Capital Components [Set] | Set |
11 | Total Capital [Roll Up] | RollUp |
12 | Weightings [Set] | Set |
13 | Resulting WACC [Set] | Set |
14 | Equity Value [Roll Up] | RollUp |
15 | Equity Value per Share [Set] | Set |
16 | Valuation Gap [Roll Up] | RollUp |
Disclosure | Explanation | Add |